Who We Are?

Our history

Win Souls for God Evangelical Ministries (WSG) was founded in May 1997 in Addis Ababa by a group of inspired and highly committed young boys. They met to read the Bible and pray for God’s direction in life and received a calling to go to the street children of Addis Ababa to show God’s love. The teens went out to tell about the love of God and were shocked to see the living conditions on the street. They were called to give anything extra they had – shoes, money etc. In faith this group continued, and the work blossomed. 

Now, more than 20 years later, the ministry of WSGhas benefitted thousands of people improving their life through education, rehabilitation and empowerment.

The main purpose of WSG’s ministry is to reach the poor and outcast segments of the society with the gospel and empower them to be transformed positively as a whole person. We want to bring their dreams come true through our various projects.


 25+ years journey !

Our Mission

To serve society holistically and glorify God with Christian values

Our vision

To see a transformed and self-reliant society where spiritual and socio-economic needs are properly met

Our goal

To improve the livelihood of the poor, street children, commercial sex workers, juvenile delinquents and prevent child labor

our core values

Love, prayer, honesty, mission orientation, God-fearing and truth

our partners

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